This app shows the main signals used for the transport of chemical substances.
It allows you to add to favorites the transport signals of chemical substances most consulted and share them by mail, WhatsApp, among others. Becoming
thus in a great indispensable tool for security on your mobile device.
Among the most used signals we have:
Used in containers
Easily flammable
Gases under pressure
Danger to the environment
Used in merchandise
Class 1 hazard, explosive substances and articles
Class 1 hazard, explosive substances and articles
Class 1 hazard, explosive substances and articles
Class 1 hazard, explosive substances and articles
Danger Class 2, flammable gases
Class 2 hazard, toxic gases
Danger Class 2, non-flammable gases
Danger Class 2, non-flammable gases
Class 1 hazard, explosive substances and articles
Danger Class 3, flammable liquids
Class 4.3 Hazards, solid, flammable, self-reactive and desensitized explosive substances
Hazards Class 4.3, spontaneously flammable materials
Hazards Class 4.3, materials that, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
Used in chemical products
Hazards Class 5.1, oxidizing substances
Hazards Class 5.2, organic peroxides
Hazards Class 5.2, organic peroxides
Hazards Class 6.1, infectious substances
Hazards Class 6.1, toxic substances
Class 7 hazards, radioactive materials
Class 7 hazards, radioactive materials
Class 7 hazards, radioactive materials
Class 7 hazards, radioactive materials
Danger Class 8, corrosive substances
Danger Class 9, various hazardous materials and objects
Danger Class 9, various hazardous materials and objects
Pollutant to the environment
Other polluting hazards to the sea